Coletivo Universal – Disco, Album, CD

03 abr

Foto da capa: André Fossati, com a galera curtindo o primeiro show do Afrika Bambaataa em BH.

Em 2014 este disco completará 10 anos de lançamento. Muita coisa legal aconteceu desde então…


Um comentário

  1. Hiw disse:

    Posted on Surely, all you art-geeks out there have been wndeoring when sonmoee would take Salvador Dali?s fanciful representation of clocks featured in his famous ?The Persistence of Memory? and turn it into a reality. Well, be informed that the design team at Can You Imagine have turned this common dream into a reality. They have produced a small, simple desk clock, which presents the huge advantage of fitting on almost any type of surface. Read more

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